¡ Break Silos !

Boost your transformations through our cross-functional expertise in your industries and ecosystem.


Mergers & Acquisitions
To remain competitive, a company must rethink its fundamentals and undergo transformation. Whatever your goals may be, the international and multidisciplinary experts at Tnbs will help you implement your transformation.
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Mergers & Acquisitions
With ten years of experience, Tnbs has the expertise to help you succeed in your M&A operations (defining your targets, change management projects, migration projects, etc.).
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In constantly evolving ecosystems, the agility and expertise of Tnbs and its partners will enable you to select, utilize, and manage the best suppliers in the market to serve your clients.
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About US

Tnbs has rare expertise in the digital transformation of major players in the telecommunications industry.

With its 15 specialized consultants, Tnbs is an agile, human-scale company operating internationally in key areas of IT and Telco networks. We offer customized operational solutions. Our experts support you in managing, implementing, and successfully achieving your transformations.

Tnbs is a member of

Tnbs quickly adapted to our specific needs and brought operational experience to these stages of our transformation. The Tnbs consultants work in strong synergy with our team, both internal and external.
Alain Debetz Managing Director, C.G.O.S

The habit of working with your ecosystem and the ability to offer you adapted governance.

Senior expertise

A company with over 10 years of experience, founded by three partners, each with at least 25 years of experience in the IT and Telecommunications sectors.


The adaptability of a start-up to meet client needs with the responsiveness required by dynamic markets.


Experience and presence in Europe, Africa, and Latin America in multicultural contexts.

Our Network

Extensive contacts within the ecosystem to facilitate partnerships and collaborations.

Our ecosystem

Tnbs relies on an ecosystem of renowned companies, combining technological expertise, innovation, and operational excellence, to deliver tailored solutions and maximize value for its clients.

OUR key numbers


Successful transformation projects


Collaborations with international companies


Successfully managed mergers and acquisitions


Years of experience in IT and telecommunications

our OFFers


For each type of transformation, Tnbs can provide you with multidisciplinary experts who will define your target and help you implement it effectively throughout your organization.

Mergers & Acquisitions

With over ten years of experience, Tnbs has built expertise to support you in your M&A operations by defining your target and managing your integration, change management, and migration projects, reducing your costs while ensuring customer satisfaction.


In constantly evolving ecosystems, the agility and expertise of Tnbs and will enable you to select, use, and manage the best market vendors to serve your clients.


Notre division conseil accompagne les entreprises,les TPE, PME et StartUp dans leur transformation et leur croissance digitale via des actions de marketing et de communications puissantes.

De la consolidation de l’image de marque à l’augmentation du business, nous ouvrons la voie à votre réussite digitale


Notre conviction envers le pouvoir du contenu digital est ancrée dans sa capacité à forger des empreintes durables. 

Nous créons du contenu aux formats variés pour catalyser l’expérience globale avec votre marque, stimuler votre croissance et façonner un héritage digital qui perdure.


Exploitez la puissance du digital pour transformer votre business ! Des solutions puissantes et innovantes de marketing et de communication drivées par la DATA pour vous conduire vers un une ère de haute performance.

accompagner. communiquer. amplifier.

our team


Pierre Marin

A graduate of Polytechnique and an entrepreneur, Pierre has held management roles in business and IT at various operators and two international IT service companies.

He developed an international career within the Orange Group, achieving operational successes including the IT strategy for Telmex in Mexico, the launch of Orange (formerly Uni2) in Spain, and the merger of Orange and Ya.com.

He led the Telecom Media sector at Capgemini and Inetum (formerly Gfi) and managed numerous integration projects across international subsidiaries.

He is responsible for developing consulting activities within Inetum.

Diplômé de Polytechnique,
Pierre a développé une carrière internationale au sein du Groupe Orange.

Il a dirigé le Secteur Telecom Media chez Capgemini et Inetum (ex Gfi) et crée l'activité consulting sur le secteur.

"Tnbs is positioned today as one of the most expert firms in IT and network technologies, benefiting all industry and service sectors in France and internationally."


Philippe Dussuel

A graduate of Polytechnique and Telecom Paris Tech, Philippe Dussuel has 35 years of experience in consulting, IT, and telecommunications. He has skills in organization, security, and quality across SMEs, the public sector, and large international groups.

Philippe has worked on numerous IT projects in various fields such as sales, management, HR, finance, and production.

"With my experience in diverse fields like healthcare and utilities, I bring Tnbs a 360-degree view of the challenges and risks associated with your transformations."


Raynal Dupuis

Over 30 years of experience in the consulting, IT, and telecommunications sectors.

Has carried out numerous consulting assignments to support industry players in their operational activities:

- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Positioning studies and license applications
- Business Plan
- Marketing plan, segmentation, customer journey
- Definition of organizational structures
- Audit, optimization, and reengineering of business processes
- Evaluation of operators' digital maturity

Extensive expertise in Telecom BSS/OSS solutions, telecom networks, and IT crisis management. Specialist in network digital transformation solutions for operators.
TMForum expert.

Strategy Expert

Vincent Teulade

Over 25 years of experience in strategic consulting with specialization in the Technology, Media & Telecommunications sector.Internationally recognized expert on the following areas:
• External growth (M&A, JV, due diligence, etc.)
• Strategic plan definition
• Diversification strategy
• Preparation and validation of strategic projects: business modeling, investment files, executive and board alignment, etc.
• Distribution strategy
• Technological and digital strategy (digitalization strategy, AI, Cybersecurity, etc.) Speaking at numerous conferences (Digiworld Institute, CES, African Telecom Forum, etc.)

International Project Management Expert

Paul Ashkar

International Project Management Expert with over 30 years of experience in information technology and change management, particularly in the banking sector.Paul has led operations in many regions, including Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, and has been involved in complex programs and projects management with a specialization in planning, resource management and change management.Paul has contributed to IT transformation projects and telecommunications infrastructure modernization for banking mergers. He has overseen technological migrations, improved banking channel performance, and led strategic reorganizations. His interventions range from implementing ERP and CRM systems, logistics and administration procedures, to profitability analyses of new technologies.


Notre division conseil accompagne les entreprises,les TPE, PME et StartUp dans leur transformation et leur croissance digitale via des actions de marketing et de communications puissantes.

De la consolidation de l’image de marque à l’augmentation du business, nous ouvrons la voie à votre réussite digitale


Notre conviction envers le pouvoir du contenu digital est ancrée dans sa capacité à forger des empreintes durables. 

Nous créons du contenu aux formats variés pour catalyser l’expérience globale avec votre marque, stimuler votre croissance et façonner un héritage digital qui perdure.


Exploitez la puissance du digital pour transformer votre business ! Des solutions puissantes et innovantes de marketing et de communication drivées par la DATA pour vous conduire vers un une ère de haute performance.

accompagner. communiquer. amplifier.

they trust us

During the project, I appreciated Tnbs's technical expertise, their agility and business orientation, as well as their ability to work with all countries and at all levels of stakeholders.France HeringerSenior VP Customer Experience and Sales
France Heringer
Senior VP Customer Experience and Sales, Orange Group
Tnbs quickly adapted to our specific needs and brought operational experience to these stages of our transformation. The Tnbs consultants work in strong synergy with our team, both internal and external.‍
Alain Debetz
General director, C.G.O.S

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